
Install the package using npm:

npm install djs-helpers

Then import it in your code:

const { embeds, buttons, send, reply, timestamps } = require('djs-helpers');

Message Sending

Send messages easily with automatic context detection for both regular messages and interactions.

Basic Usage

// For messages
send(message, { content: "Hello!" });
reply(message, { content: "This is a reply" });

// For interactions
send(interaction, { content: "Hello!" });
reply(interaction, { 
    content: "This is a hidden reply",
    hide: true 

Combined Usage

// With embeds and buttons
send(message, {
    content: "Welcome!",
    embed: embeds.generate({
        title: "My Embed",
        description: "Click the button below"
    component: buttons.generate({
        label: "Click Me",
        id: "click-btn",
        style: "PRIMARY"

All Options


A simple package to create Discord.js embeds and buttons with ease.

const { embeds, buttons } = require('djs-helpers');

Embeds Helper

Create embeds easily with a simple object structure.

Basic Usage

const myEmbed = embeds.generate({
    title: 'My Embed',
    description: 'This is a description',
    color: 'RED'

All Options

Fields Example

// Array format
fields: [
    ['Field Name', 'Field Value', true], // inline
    ['Another Field', 'Another Value', false] // not inline

// Object format
fields: {
    1: ['Field Name', 'Field Value', true],
    2: ['Another Field', 'Another Value', false]

Embed Example

My Embed
This is a description
Field Name: Field Value
Another Field: Another Value

Buttons Helper

Create buttons with automatic action row wrapping.

Basic Usage

const myButton = buttons.generate({
    id: 'my-button',
    label: 'Click Me',
    style: 'PRIMARY'

All Options

Link Button Example

const linkButton = buttons.generate({
    label: 'Visit Website',
    style: 'LINK',
    url: ''

Button Example

Click Me

Timestamps Helper

Generate Discord timestamps easily.

Basic Usage

const timestamp = timestamps.generate('02/13/2025', 'SHORT_DATE');

All Formats

Color Support

Colors can be specified in multiple formats: